
Presenter Profile


Adam Jongsma

Adam Jongsma,MRehab, BSc Kinesiology, NCSA CSCS, is a Kinesiologist, Strength Coach, and founder/CEO of the KP Movement Institute. He has spent his career rehabilitating and optimizing the performance of professional and amateur athletes, while also working with fitness enthusiasts wanting to look, move, and feel their best. Adam also has a great passion for education and uses a practical, research-based approach to empower and inspire movement professionals to optimize movement and longevity in their clients.

Session No. 119
Couples Therapy: Scapular Force Couples (WS)
Session Details
Session No. 241
Playing with Pain - Play-Based Training (WS)
Session Details
Session No. 308
Developing Power with Medicine Balls (WS)
Session Details
Session No. 330
Finish Strong: Enhance Client Experience (WS)
Session Details