Leading Wellness Through Lifestyle Transformation Involves Helping
Your Clients Create or Perfect Good Lifestyle Habits and Break Bad Ones as Follows:
Your Clients Create or Perfect Good Lifestyle Habits and Break Bad Ones as Follows:

Move Daily
Work hard to reserve 30 to 60 minutes every day to move, even breaking it up into 10-15 minutes blocks if needed. Whatever “moving more” means for you (strength training, walking, dancing, etc.), do it daily.

Eat Well
Eat whole foods, mostly plants, not too much (thank you Michael Pollan!) …and eat a rainbow. Focus on nutrient-dense and avoid calorie-dense foods. Eat mindfully, and try to stay away from ultra processed foods and added sugars.

Sleep Soundly
Sleep is our number one recovery tool: it helps us recover from hard workouts and other stressors and helps our mental as well as physical health. Learn to create a calm and soothing environment before bed and develop good consistent habits to help you get even better over time.

Stress Less
You cannot get rid of most stressors in your life, but you can learn to manage them so as to optimize physical, mental and emotional health and to avoid chronic stress. Learn what your triggers are and discover ways of managing your reaction to stress. You will feel, look and perform better!

The Asia Fitness Conference (AFC) – consists of 3 + 1 unforgettable days of LEARNING, EXERCISING, NETWORKING and HAVING FUN in Asia’s most impactful fitness conference.

AFC 2024 is THE place to network with fitness professionals and enthusiasts, club and business owners/managers, healthcare professionals, wellness providers and leading brands in the industry.
Personal Trainers
Group Exercise Instructors
Fitness Facility Owner/Manager
Fitness Enthusiasts
Educational/ Government Authority
Mind-Body Instuctors
Wellness PRDs, Nutritionist, Health Coaches

Education streams conference



A Vibrant Exhibition

Exciting Competitions

Inspirational Showcase Sessions
Dont miss!

An Exciting Saturday Night Party

Full Day Post-conference Sessions