

FRIDAY, October 18th
07:30AM – 08:15AM

If you love Broadway and musicals, this session is for you! We will dance with famous heart felt musical songs of all time just like you are an actor/actress. It’s basic and easy to follow, but you will show it in your way. Break a leg!

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Static and dynamic posture requires stabilization and awareness to our body’s center of mass. Join functional podiatrist Emily as she explores how our center of mass (pelvic floor) is deeply connected to the muscles and fascia of our foot. Experience powerful techniques in foot to core sequencing and from the ground up stability techniques.


Breath is an extremely powerful medicine, without it we don’t have life. We breathe 22000 – 23000 times a day mostly completely unaware of how we are breathing. What an opportunity! Angela will discuss the science of breath and how it can influence our physiology, nervous system, hormones and our psychology. You will learn different breathing tests and ways to utilise different breathing techniques to apply with clients in sessions and in life.

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This intense session emphasizes the power of working with partners while providing a fusion of the functional strength and high-intensity rotational power of the TRX Suspension and TRX Rip Trainers. Explore techniques to energize your training sessions, engage otherwise dormant partners and maximize movement quality, redefining your participants’ experience and your program’s capacity!


Join Ely the 2023 AFC Presenter Discovery first place winner as together we learn easy to follow KPop dance steps. Let’s sweat with KPop tracks that ignite our energy with non-stop dancing, the Ely way!

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Kick start your first AFC class with a super fun dance workout by Kero
Created by world-class choreographers and certified fitness professionals, BollyBeats® class is a continuous workout, dancing to the tunes of Bollywood, Bhangra , Global & Regional hits from across India along with carefully crafted Body weight exercises to give you a full body workout.

08:30AM - 9:00AM
9:15AM - 10:45AM
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Rotation is at the heart of daily life and sports performance. This workshop focuses on the biomechanics of rotational movements and how to effectively train these essential skills using the Exos Training System. Learn to apply rotational and anti-rotational exercises to improve efficiency and prevent injuries. Discover Exos’s approach to integrating rotation into training, based on our proven methods with elite athletes and top professionals. Gain the tools to elevate your clients’ performance through better rotational movement.


Plyometrics are key to the development of explosive and elastic strength. But where do you begin with a client that is using this type of training for the first time? Come to this session to learn how to safely introduce and progress plyometrics in any workout.


For years being hypermobile meant cool party tricks, being “double-jointed” and being super flexible. These definitions are not only damaging to people struggling with Hypermobility Spectrum disorder, but also masking a vast number of people who silently struggle with hypermobility. Hypermobility disorders and autoimmune issues are only growing in number with more people being diagnosed daily. In this session learn how to identify hypermobile joints, when to refer out, what exercises and programming work best for injury prevention and longevity.


Walking is the most popular physical recreational activity in the world. Understanding how to assess and modify walking gait is very useful if your client has pain when walking, if your client is wanting to incorporate walking into their wellness programme, or as part of your assessment protocol. This session will take you through how to film and assess walking gait so you can understand gait analysis and learn gait phases with the HMC Gait analysis process.


Update your movement vocabulary and follow Anastasia´s class specially designed for all who love to dance. We will create a beautiful final show to make you remember this class forever.


Join this session and learn Pilates methods with some original Pilates principles of breathing, concentration, control, precision, centre and flow. You will be working with a partner.


This class will offer therapeutic, simple, gentle yoga asanas series with 6 directions of spinal movements for strengthening, stretching, and stabilizing our back & spine. Find your healthy balanced back & spine in this class.

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From dorsiflexion to plantarflexion, the ankle joint dictates how we load and transfer energy when we walk, run or jump. Join Naboso founder and functional podiatrist Dr. Emily as she explores the ankle joint complex and some of the most common compensation patterns observed in clients. In this dynamic session, you’ll learn how to assess, mobilize and improve ankle joint function!


Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a client-centric, conversational-style of communication designed to empower individuals to change by building and nurturing their own meaning, importance, and capacity for change, all while working within an atmosphere of acceptance and compassion. MI strives to facilitate change while simultaneously valuing individual autonomy of choice, while aiming to boost self-efficacy, enhance motivation and one’s commitment and readiness to change. Sound good? Join this session to learn more about MI and how to effectively use MI with your clients.


Packed with the following take-home messages easily introduced into our life: Brain-Body Connection: Impact of exercise, and nutrition on brain health. Cognitive Reserve: Explore the effect of education, occupation, and mentally stimulating activities. Sleep Brain Health and its Importance for memory consolidation, problem-solving, & overall cognitive function. Mindfulness/Meditation: Impact of and techniques to use. Nutritional Influences on Brain Health: The role of specific nutrients and dietary patterns for cognition. Brain Health and Mental Health: The interconnectedness of brain health and mental well-being, depression and anxiety. Stress and Brain health: The effects of chronic stress on the brain and management strategies.


With the recent launch of the documentary “Game-changers”, many have adopted a plant based lifestyle. Perhaps it’s the science that has been cited, the compelling storyline or even the ethics of it, but to many, it appears that the need to be 100% plant fuelled is somewhat non-negotiable. Yet, is it as simple as changing over to a plant-based diet for bettering your health, or is there more to it? This seminar aims to shed some information on the benefits, contraindications and practical solutions when embarking on a plant-based diet in order optimise health.

11:15AM – 12:30PM

The shoulder is a common location of pain and injury due to its reliance on proper scapular positioning and stability. Imbalance in the muscle force couples that control the scapula is a key contributor to this. Within this session, participants will be introduced to the function of scapular force couples, the signs of dysfunction, and how to address imbalances using movement-based solutions. Objectives: 1. discuss optimal motion of the scapula for shoulder health and function. 2. introduce force couple relationships around the scapula. 3. use soft-tissue techniques and movement-based strategies to address para-scapular muscles.


“Core Training Re-imagined” is your gateway to discovering the most effective Landmine Core Exercises. From theory to hands-on practice, participants will dive into the unique rotational and anti-rotational benefits of using the landmine for enhancing corestrength and developing more functional freedom. Objectives: 1. learn more about why and how to train the anterior and posterior slings of the body. 2. Learn the top 15+ landmine core moves and progressions. 3. discover landmine core circuits and how to program exercises together effectively.

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This compelling workshop will introduce you to the YBell and the essentials for safely using the product. Individuals will be able to understand YBell movements, the various YBell grips, the purpose behind the design, and the overall benefits that come with training with this award-winning piece of equipment. Participants will learn how to design introductory YBell workouts with optimal efficiency by learning from the creator and founder, Aaron “Az” Laurence, as he demonstrates how the product can and should be utilized.


We will discuss music and how to learn the anatomy of music and song formats. We will explore how to create choreography for any class including general coaching, practice and Q&A regarding Group fitness.


Join Luciano as he infuses his charisma into a dynamic and enjoyable session, seamlessly blending aerobic steps with dance movements. Let the music set the rhythm and immerse yourself in a fantastic experience of dancing and working out. Get ready for a lively session that promises both fitness and fun!


We often recommend to our clients to go to Yoga or Pilates to stretch, gain mobility and move better. What is it about these specific classes that can help clients long term? What are the myths and mysteries of Yoga, Pilates & stretching? This session will help you understand different types of Yoga and Pilates styles, what they biomechanically, psychologically, and physiologically to the body. Knowing this will help you recommend classes to your clients and will help you understand what your clients are experiencing throughout these classes without you needing to attend them yourself.


Slowing down your body, your breath, and the thoughts racing through your mind will profoundly transform your life. In this session, you’ll practice postures and find your edge… and then be still… testing your body and your patience. Feel your stress, then feel your stretch… in your deep connective tissue, in the deep corners of your mind. Learn the basics behind Yin Yoga and learn why this practice may be one of the most transformative physical practices available. Objectives: 1. learn the powerful basics of Yin Yoga. 2. practice breathwork. 3. understand the importance of stillness. 4. experience long-held postures, testing patience.


• Know how much physical activity the elderly need to have in order to be adequate.

• Learn that the elderly need more training than working age people, whether it be balance, power, training with impact, etc.

• Learn to take the elderly out of From fear of exercising Eliminate false beliefs such as do not run, do not lift heavy objects, do not jump, etc. These things are not only possible. But it is something that must be done.


In 2023, 62% of new memberships were claimed by Gen-Z, a generation prioritizing health and wellbeing. To thrive in our dynamic industry, understanding and engaging Gen-Z while continuing to provide value to Millennials and Gen-X is crucial. Join our session to explore member profiles, defining traits and strategies for providing value to both members and staff. Learning Outcomes: 1. understand generational defining factors of Gen-Z.
2. identify market composition across generations.
3. explore defining characteristics of each generation.
4. master the art of attracting, motivating, and leading Gen-Z in our fitness community.


The science is in: By making micro-changes in your lifeyou have the power to change your life. Whether it’s working in micro-steps, incorporating micro-breaks and micro recoveries to make micro-changes, “working in the micro” is the foundation of change. A tiny behaviour is easy to do and fast. It helps build the willpower muscle to create even more wins and good habits. Angela will take you through some of the science behind the’ micro’. You will learn and experience lots of ‘micro’ tools to easily apply along with how to ‘micro’ lifestyle factors in programming for big impacts.


People who engage in exercise often do so with the hope and goal of increasing muscle mass and improving body composition. Besides the dietary approach to supporting exercise goals, dietary supplements often get promoted to aid in muscle gain and fat loss. This session will explore what the science says with respect to dietary supplements that support greater anabolism and less catabolism for the person looking to add more muscle or obtain better musclular strength. Objectives: 1. recognize which dietary supplements have evidence-based science to support their use for the intended goals. 2. understand International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) research and recommendations as it applies to active and sports nutrition. 3. learn what realistic outcomes can be obtained by the addition of dietary supplements to their exercise routine, and how to decipher hype versus reality.

12:30PM – 1:30PM
1:30PM – 2:45PM
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Explore Exos’ proven approach to boosting linear speed, crucial for elite athletes across all sports. This workshop combines theory and practice, focusing on effective speed development strategies, from acceleration to peak velocity. We will cover practical exercises for optimizing the start, acceleration, and absolute speed to help you take your coaching to the next level. This workshop is tailored for coaches aiming to enhance the speed of athletes across all sports, from aspiring professionals to seasoned veterans. You’ll leave equipped with Exos’ time-tested drills and methodologies, ready to elevate your athletes’ performance to new heights. Ideal for sport coaches, performance specialists, sports therapists, and athletes, this experience is your gateway to advancing your coaching skills and athletes’ linear speed capabilities.


Core stability is a standard phrase, but the spine is made of 24 moveable parts. If it were meant to be “stable” it would be one long bone. Come to this session to learn about gaining controlled mobility of the core, including the low back and thoracic spine and discover how spinal movement can decrease back pain and improve health and breathing.


This practical session will take you through exercise variations and technique points for a range of push, pull, hinge, squat, lunge, and twisting patterns that you can use when programming for your clients. Learn how to incorporate barbells, dumbbells and elastic bands to perform a wide variety of different exercises to train these patterns.


Teaching freestyle group exercise just got a little easier for the instructors. In this masterclass today we will be using HR zones to coach all of our movements. Training in HR zones is becoming very on trend but all the equipment can be pricey to set up and challenging to execute. Today we will focus on how to cue and coach HR and intensity; and how different movements can create a different response in your class participants. Learn how to empower your members to create their own journey of intensity through your guidance which leads to less injury and more enjoyment. A session not to be missed.


Feel the rhythm! Break the rules! Bring the fire on the floor! Do not hesitate to appear with your craziest dance outfit to impress the presenter and co-participants. The routine is designed for all dance lovers no matter the level


Learn about spinal movement in all planes with basic Pilates mat exercises that involve spinal movements that remain important for our daily lifestyle. Apply Pilates mat movements with a foam roller and small ball.


Why are Hip Opener techniques very important for a yogi lifestyle??? Come to move your hips together in this class. Come to understand more about the yogi lifestyle and finding your balanced body and mind.


How to apply Rocktape to running. How does tape is work? General principles of Rocktape application. Technique Rocktape Application for runners.

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The Fit Guide

This lecture will share insights and data from visiting 250 of the world’s best boutique fitness clubs with trends, areas the industry scored well in, areas for improvement, and how international markets scored.


Some say sedentary sitting is the new smoking. The notion of finding time to exercise multiple times a week to improve health is intimidating and unrealistic for many of us, but how can we improve our quality of life without it? Good news – recent research now demonstrates that even 5 minutes of movement or walking around your neighbourhood offers many wonderful health benefits that can improve the many dimensions of wellness we all seek. Join Fabio in this lecture to learn a variety of simple ideas to get started enjoying the benefits of movement and walking with or without exercise.


Diets are the latest trend in our weight and appearance conscious society. Promising slimmer, healthier and happier outcomes, a ‘Die-It’ appears to be a painful means to an end rather than a sustainable solution. Research estimates 80% of dieters who lose more than 10% of their weight will gradually gain it back over time. This seminar will delve into the concept of dieting, highlighting the pitfalls of embarking upon a plan. It will also aim to provide cognitive, physical and practical strategies to make dieting easier so that the weight that’s lost will stay off for good.

3:15PM - 4:30PM

1. How to stretch each fascial line?
2. Details in organizing the body for effective stretching.
3. Understand the effectiveness of stretching along the fascia than normal stretching.


What if you could teach clients proper muscle activation, train full body stability, increase functional strength, and skyrocket their output simultaneously? Harnessing the power of manual resistance training (MRT) can help you take your client’s body and training experience to the next level. Objectives: 1. learn the science of using MRT for building muscle awareness and strength. 2. gain first-hand experience with the best MRT exercises to implement. 3. walk away with a clear understanding of when and how to program MRT into a session or group class.

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Progress your YBell programming knowledge with the ultimate ‘How To” with YBell Creator Aaron Laurence, who will take you through Pod Programming. Learn how to effectively combine exercises down into a set amount of time using the structure of creating pods. From exercise selection, and session goals to determine the intensity and desired outcome of the pod.

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Street style is a specific type of dance style that is not developed in the studio or by a trained dancer. This session focuses on five specific street styles of the pre-Hip-Hop era, original Hip-Hop era and current street style era. Learn how to incorporate this dance style into your Zumba® classes.

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Fitness First

Enjoy with easy & sensational dance with Hiphop dance mix with Thai & International dance moves. Learn step by step then we create super cool dance combo together.

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Merrithew International

Discover a new and intensive core training workout, developed by the Merrithew® team, featuring the Stability Cushions™. Controlling instability with a pair of cushioned disks requires activation of the stabilizing muscles of the torso, shoulders, and hips. Exercises are designed to elicit greater proprioceptive awareness and recruit the deep support systems of the whole body while developing greater coordination and control. Discover a new facet to Matwork programs that increase body awareness and core stability in movements that bridge the gap between simple core training routines and functional movement patterns necessary in athletic conditioning.


After a brief discussion on the relationship between stress and overall well-being, we will discuss stress, its definition on the mind and body and Mindful Breathing. Claire will give an introduction to foundational breathing techniques and gentle asanas that promote relaxation and release tension. She will explain Yoga Nidra and its benefits for deep relaxation. Learn an introduction for meditation techniques for stress relief, restorative Yoga Poses, and practice supported poses using props for deep relaxation. We will have a discussion on how yoga philosophy addresses the root causes of stress.

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Fluid X

Empower your senior clients with a low-impact, high-reward fitness experience! This course equips you with the tools and knowledge to safely and effectively utilize Fluid X aqua bags to transform active agers. Challenge their muscles safely and gently but effectively with shifting water weight, building balance and functional strength. Combat a major senior challenge, enhance stability and confidence through dynamic instability training.


Join us for a dynamic session that sets the stage for success in our rapidly evolving industry. We’ll provide a global overview, tracing our journey, and predicting future trajectories. Through four lenses we’ll: 1. Unravel Business Model Trends. 2. Explore Fitness Trends, 3. Assess Technology Trends for threats and opportunities, and 4. Understand Generations in our market. This global overview begins to reveal your optimal positioning to thrive, acting as the launchpad for upcoming deeper dives into FitBiz Entrepreneurship, Gen-z Dynamics, Mastering Strategic Leadership, and Profitable Pricing. It’s the first step on your journey toward unparalleled industry mastery!


The brain is finally getting its due with more research devoted to it than ever before. And it is increasingly clear that numerous exciting practical applications from nutrition, exercise and lifestyle behaviors are the most effective way to optimize cognitive function now and preserve it later, giving you the best chance of preventing future brain disease. Explore the latest developments in brain fitness and how to apply them in your own life and with your clients.


Let’s study sports nutrition for before, during and after exercise, the macronutrient requirements for athletes, and how to apply the nutrition knowledge to practice field sports.
